Travis Niklich (Blackcreek Cues)
Travis Niklich began playing pool at age 19, being taught by BCA instructor Mark Wilson in the St. Louis area. Travis became fascinated about how cues are made. He helped in his father’s woodworking shop starting at age 8. He attended several pool tournaments and was interested in the on-site repairs and construction of cues. He started repairing cues at the age of 21, and decided to start making cues within 6 months. He was inducted into the American Cuemakers Association at the age of 24, in March of 2002. Andy Gilbert and Ron Haley have inspired Travis and have helped guide him in the trade.
Travis prefers to make traditional styled cues, especially with veneered points and butterfly splices. He makes everything himself except for the screw, tip, and bumpers. Travis makes his own short splice blanks, and uses a CNC machine to aid only in the inlay process. Travis’s points and inlays are razor sharp. Travis cores his cues to provide consistent playability and structure. Scrimshaw work is available and is performed by a local artist. Despite his young age, Travis is respected among his peers, and is recognized not only as one of the best up and coming cuemakers, but as of the best cuemakers period.


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